Body Mind and Soul Care
Opening Hours
Mon, Tues: 11:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wed: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thur: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri: 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Season's Greetings

Season’s Greetings!

December can be a very busy time of year as we get ready for the holiday season and for some of us it can be a big cause of anxiety and depression. I hope you find the few simple tricks included in this newsletter beneficial at helping ease some of these issues.

With the hustle and bustle of the season we actually forget to BREATHE! So, the first simple trick is to start taking deep purposeful breaths. Take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds and then allow the breath to release. Allow your shoulders to drop as you do this. You can repeat as often as you like. I tend to do this while I am standing in line or at the stop lights. I remember to take these breaths often. You will feel the body start to feel less tense as you do this.

The second trick is to remember to be compassionate towards others and yourself. Everyone is in the same boat. Some people are so busy rushing they forget that there are other people around. Be mindful that you are not the only person feeling stressed. Others are too. Be more patient. Be more aware that you are in control of your thoughts. You CAN be more patient, understanding and compassionate. This really helps to alleviate some of the stresses at this time of year and I hope you have found it helpful.

I also wanted to share with you that coming in January you will be able to book online. There have been a few glitches in the system, and I am hopeful that by January it will all be sorted out.

Remember that an Align Treatment is the more advanced treatment where I am working on balancing your posture and range of motion of the joints giving the body the opportunity to be balanced and healed. The massage therapy option is for just that – a massage. The Thai Stem Massage is an hour and a half so if you are booking that, make sure to give the correct time limit.


On another note, I have to admit that at this time of year I have a guilty pleasure of making an organic dark hot chocolate with steamed almond milk and a splash of Bailey’s Irish Cream! What’s yours?


I wish everyone a happy and joyous new year. Merry Christmas! I hope to see you all in the new year.

Many blessings,