Body Mind and Soul Care
Opening Hours
Mon, Tues: 11:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wed: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thur: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri: 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM


Thank you so much for your continued support and allowing us to be a part of your healing journey. These are very difficult and strange times at the moment and I am only able to make decisions regarding clinic operations on a week to week basis.

As of March 19 2020, the Chief Medical Officer of Health in Ontario, gave us and our industry a new directive to follow.

Pursuant to the Health Protection and Promotion Act, ordering that all non-essential and elective services be ceased or reduced to minimal levels until further notice, with allowable exceptions for time sensitive circumstances to avert or avoid negative patient outcomes or situations that would have a direct impact on the safety of the client. This means that all non essential massage treatments like a regular full body relaxation massage would be not allowed. An essential treatment is when the patient’s health or function would considerably decline if treatment were not provided. This is administered on a case by case basis. Many of you have heard from me to cancel up coming appointments and I am hopeful to see you all very soon, when this is all over.

In the event that there are essential treatments being provided, the following guidelines will be adhered to under the CMTO directives and include:1) Undertake active and passive screening of clients and visitors
2) Screen clients over the phone for symptoms, recent travel (within 14 days) and exposure before accepting appointments.
3) No treatments to those who are experiencing symptoms or are at higher risk for transmitting the coronoavirus.
4) Post signage developed by Ontario’s Ministry of Health in the reception area to ask those at higher risk to identify themselves.
5) Practice rigorous infection prevention practices, using personal protective equipment (face masks, gloves)
6) Asking patients to was hands upon arrival for 20 seconds.
7) Keeping patients at the required distance.
8) Disinfection of frequently touched surfaces.
9) Washing of hands and using hand sanitizer before and after each treatment.

We really are in this together. Now is the time to bring some deeper connections to yourself and to the world around you.
Here are some things that can help with your own being. I am a firm believer that we are in control of your own thoughts and actions so if you take deep breaths with a 4 count on the inhale and a 4 count on the exhale for as many as you like, this will help to reset you and help feel calmer.
I love Wim Hof and I am currently enrolled in his course to learn his method. I think I am both scared and excited. Mostly excited. Please check out the link here on an interview he did regarding his methods – it is a game changer and it is something that can be done by yourself – for yourself., Here is the video on how to do his breathing method, I hope these links are of use to you.

I also think that getting outside and being in the sun and fresh air is also super healing. It helps you reconnect to the world around you and you can see what life is like living in the bushes. I know I am reminded daily on my walks about all the wonderful creatures that are around me and with the weather warming up a bit the birds are coming back to sing their beautiful songs.

If you are really stuck at home, read something positive, watch something funny, connect with family across the miles and if you are social distancing at the moment, face time a friend. Maybe dance or sing around your house, laugh and feel your own heart beating. Go for a walk or get some kind of exercise.

Eat really healthy foods right now – especially lots of fresh veggies and fruits. You can supplement thus with more zinc, vitamin C, and use coated silver to reduce viruses.

Make sure to feed your mind something beautiful and loving on a daily basis. Let negative thoughts and fears just be with you. No need to control or suppress them. All is well.

I know these are scary times because there is so much uncertainty. You feel out of control, but you do have control over your mind and what you think. You have control over your actions and you have control over what you feed your body.
If 7000 monks could meditate peace, love and compassion to the world and the crime rate dropped by significant percentage globally, we could start by doing more of that on a daily basis also.

Be kind to one another, have more compassion for one another. Help each other. Be there for someone.

I send each and everyone of you a big hug from my heart to yours.

I hope to see you all very soon.

Be well, and be safe.

Reach out if you need to chat.
