Body Mind and Soul Care
Opening Hours
Mon, Tues: 11:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wed: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thur: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri: 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

ALIGN Manual Therapy

Discover the Simple Key to Dramatically Improving Your Health, Energy, and Confidence FAST (It’s Not What You Think)!

Understanding this One Aspect of Your Body Lets You Enjoy the Vibrant Life YOU Deserve!

The human body is one of the most intricate and fascinating machines on the planet. It is designed for each part of the body to work in harmony with the others in a highly interactive way, giving humans incredible range of motion and physical capabilities.

Unfortunately, when it is not aligned, it can lead to a huge number of problems… and most people suffering from misalignment don’t even know it!

Let us know if any of these common problems affect you:

  • Aches and pains prevent you from enjoying physical activity, even when you limit physical exertion.
  • You experience muscle tension that doesn’t respond to massage or other relaxation techniques.
  • You have trouble concentrating and focusing, even on relatively simple tasks.
  • You suffer from frequent backaches that interfere with your enjoyment of everyday activities.
  • Your feet ache, even though you spend most of your time sitting.
  • You have difficulty sleeping, and find yourself waking up several times during the night to change positions.
  • You tend to injure your joints or muscles easily.
  • You often feel tired, even when you spend eight or more hours in bed at night.
  • You see yourself as “clumsy” or as having poor balance.
  • You feel like people form a negative opinion of you or don’t take you seriously when you meet them.
  • You feel frustrated, worried or irritated far more than you should.
  • You hear yourself making excuses like “I’m getting old,” or “I don’t have the energy.”

If any of these sound familiar to you, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world deal with these problems every day.

And in many cases, the problem isn’t obvious. So most of us use painkillers for too long to deal with aches and pains, take body-damaging sleeping pills to finally get a bit of rest, and avoid social situations where we feel like people will negatively judge us or worse they feel hopeless and vulnerable, a victim to suffering or aging poorly.

But there is a Better Way to Deal with Problems that Diminish Your Quality of Life!

What if there was a simple way you could easily get rid of aches and pains naturally, without the harmful effects of prolonged prescription and over-the-counter drugs? That uses gentle calming hands-on techniques that are tailored to your specific conditions and needs. No cracking and no forceful or painful pressure, it mostly produces a deeply relaxing, tingly, warm and light sensation throughout your body.

What if you could restore your focus and concentration, so that you could get more done and accomplish what you want out of life?

What if you could command respect and admiration in social settings, instead of worrying about the negative thoughts of others?

Would that change your life?

I bet it would!

When you correct your physical alignment with ALIGN, your whole attitude and outlook changes and you can do just that! Your movement and posturing is your signature, your language, your voice, it affects your energetic vitality and even your attractiveness.

Introducing the ALIGN System - Your Key to Total Body Transformation

The ALIGN System is an evidence based manual therapy that is straightforward and comprehensive, measurable and precise designed to help you gently restore your body to proper alignment from head to toe. Your assessment provides insight into your posturing, movement and functioning in each of the body’s anatomical zones, planes, and axes to give us unique information about you. And since everything is connected, iIt recognizes the dynamic relationships and synergy between your body, your mind and your environment to:

  • Restore vitality to areas affected by trauma, injuries, stress, and other factors.
  • Relieve neck and back pain, headaches, and chronic back pain.
  • Reduce stress on the spine to decrease your risk of injuries and promote better posture.
  • Let go of the annoyance that comes with living with an achy, sore, irritated body.
  • Increase focus to help you get the most out of your work and study efforts.
  • Improve your confidence and charisma, empowering you to make a positive impression wherever you go.
  • Improve sleep quality to help you banish fatigue and tackle each day with vitality and enthusiasm
  • Look and feel more youthful and radiant
  • Move with agility, power, grace and ease no matter what your age.
  • Improve performance and ability in your athletic and sport aspirations
  • And much more!