Body Mind and Soul Care
Opening Hours
Mon, Tues: 11:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wed: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thur: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri: 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

First time having a massage/align therapy? Here are some tips from a professional.

Is this is your first time having a massage? And you are not sure what to expect and how to act, but also u want to make the most of the experience. Well in that case If you never had a massage before, and you are in doubt about what to do, you can rely on these standard etiquette guidelines.

Personal hygiene

I know it seems like a no- brainer, but sometimes having a quick shower or rinse off before going for a massage is the best for everyone – especially if you suffer from body odor. On the personal hygiene list I can add that if you have back acne make sure to let your therapist know up front as there may require special equipment like gloves to be worn by the therapist while you get your treatment.


Be neat

Place clothes neatly on the hanger and maintain only outer clothes. Undressing up to undergarments or completely nude is not allowed.


Show up on time

Showing up on time for appointment- now we understand that life gets hectic and things happen, however, there are some people who are just late for everything. The time has been booked for you so if you don’t want to be there on time for the appointment you may not get all of the time.


Appropriate Wardrobe

Wearing appropriate clothes for your Align assessment. Short skirts or jeans don’t offer the right kind of freedom for checking hip/knee range of motion, please make sure to wear the appropriate clothing for this treatment.


Let us know if you have any allergies or health issues

Not putting the most important information on your intake forms like allergies to oils. Please make sure to let the therapist know what allergies you may have to any oils they are using. Allergies or reactions are not fun for anyone.

On this note, if you have suffered a serious emotional trauma you must tell your therapist before the treatment starts. The massage can be tailored to your needs or requirements regarding safe areas to touch. We do use  proper draping as well.

Show up sober and free of any alcohol or drugs. It is of utmost importance to ensure the safety and health of all parties involved.

Be upfront and honest about pain tolerance. If you are telling the therapist the pressure is fine but really it is too deep, you need to let the therapist know this. You really don’t want to be hurting the whole time because it won’t be beneficial to your body if you don’t speak up. If the therapist asks you if the pressure is ok, you really don’t need to be tough and say yes, when really it’s a no. Proper communication is key here.


Payment and Gift Certificates

Make sure to have payment availability ready when asked by our representatives.   Simple to remember to have what you need when going for a session.

Make sure if you are using  a Gift Certificate that you bring it to the session.

So please think of these simple things before going off to your next massage therapy visit.